Thursday, September 22, 2005
posted by IChiban at Thursday, September 22, 2005

I was watching PBS last night, and it was the live performance by the New York Phil along with “Lang Lang”. I remember reading an article on Lang Lang in the Times, the article was saying that he is a young prodigy and filled of energy.

In my opinion this guy is full of shit, and it took me 30 seconds to realize that He's a fucking show-off. Seriously, it was basically the worst 30 musical seconds of my life. I even got a bad headache out of his histrionics at the piano. The way he "performed" was very unnatural, wacky and really annoying. I don't think he can ever play without making so many movements along with the strange facial expressions. I was not moved at all by his interpretation and his outrageous body movements it was irritating and by no means modest. Here is to you Mister Lang Lang: you aren't Beethoven or Liszt for God's sake quit it with your shenanigans.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think every musician should put some emotions into their music or they would sound and look like that guy on the subway platform, but no one should look if like a hamster in his pants.

At Friday, September 23, 2005 at 12:03:00 PM EDT, Blogger Dahtowawa

I concur. Horrible mannerism. Really made me want to smack him hard in the face...


At Friday, September 23, 2005 at 3:29:00 PM EDT, Blogger eatgod

wow.. it's very interesting that everyone has their own music taste.

When Joanne and I was at his concert, both of us enjoyed his pieces a lot. His manner was very showy, but it was amusing to me. (I interpret his manner as " I don't give a shit about the traditional way of performing," which fits my personality.) Of course, people interpret his manner differently (the way they want to see it.)


At Friday, September 23, 2005 at 4:27:00 PM EDT, Blogger IChiban

I can only enjoy music to a certain level, and i said the majority of the crowd. To me he does not sound any better than anyone else thus the BS show he adds on ZERO value. I did enjoy it with the monitor off tho. sound


At Saturday, September 24, 2005 at 12:53:00 AM EDT, Blogger Leigo

We were actually in Lincoln Center listening to the same concert. 賞心悅目,又好聽又有娛樂笑果,和樂而不為。


At Saturday, September 24, 2005 at 1:29:00 AM EDT, Blogger riceman

I enjoyed the concert. He was kind of wacky like 周星馳. I was cracking up the whole time, silently of course. With my eyes closed, the piano sounded pretty good. I like Chopin's concerto in E minor. I hated Mahler's music which came on after the intermission. I swear it sounded like 兩隻老虎, 兩隻老虎,跑的快,跑的快!


At Saturday, September 24, 2005 at 6:00:00 PM EDT, Blogger IChiban

Jimmy, It is 兩隻老虎 tune but in a minor mode.


At Saturday, September 24, 2005 at 6:09:00 PM EDT, Blogger Dahtowawa

Perhaps people who were in the concert hall listening to Lang Lang live didn't really get to see the kind of close-up shots that we saw on TV with the live broadcast. There were three cameras pointing at him from three different angles; one was sitting right at the end of the piano. He was constantly looking into the camera. I've seen him performed before. His mannerism was not as bad, but this time, I felt that he purposely exaggerated; almost like he was making all those expressions FOR the cameras.


At Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 10:12:00 PM EDT, Blogger eatgod

I he is a narcisstic 周星馳 when he performs...


At Monday, September 26, 2005 at 3:08:00 PM EDT, Blogger Mini-DV

真恐怖才彈個 Piano 就要被衆人駡個稀巴爛. ..

暫且不提長相, 我看了 PBS 十分鐘 也覺得有意思 只是愛搶風頭吧了 很像我小的時候 手指看起來非常柔軟更像我 Baby 時...


At Monday, September 26, 2005 at 4:18:00 PM EDT, Blogger eatgod


time to 駡 Dave 駡個稀巴爛...:)


At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 10:23:00 AM EDT, Blogger IChiban

I guess Lang Lang's style of play is similar to David Chung's style of play for bowling. "alot of show, not much result"