Friday, September 2, 2005
posted by IChiban at Friday, September 02, 2005

This morning I tried on a pair of my nicer designer slacks I own (Dolce Gabbana). I usually don't wear it to work, but I figured it been sitting in my closet a while.

While waiting to cross the street on the way to work, this beautiful blond model walked up to me, and as I look up to her (Me = 5'8" Model = 6'2") the following thoughts crossed my mind:

-Wow.. these pants are not just mice they are REALLY NICE!

-I have been stupid leaving the pants closet for so long, and I should have been wearing these pants more often.

So, what did she do? She bends down then slowly rip off the dry cleaning tag off my slacks and smiled. It was quite embarrassing, but I thanked her and told her that "at least you know my pants are clean". Then we chat for few seconds and It turns out that she works for Chanel which is on the 44th floor wich is 4 floors above me.

I have to say its not my typical commute to work.


At Friday, September 2, 2005 at 5:16:00 PM EDT, Blogger Leigo

IC - We are going to P&J's temple to hang out. Interested? Call us. - Leigo


At Friday, September 2, 2005 at 11:00:00 PM EDT, Blogger IChiban

What is P&J's temple? Oh Peter and Joanne's home. Sorry got out of work too late.