Monday, October 2, 2006
posted by IChiban at Monday, October 02, 2006

Has it been 3 month already?

I guess time flies when you are having fun, I have been married for 3 months now and things are beginning to feel like its gel-ing into place. In these 3 quick monthes I felt like nothing really happened, yet so many things has happened (Honeymoon, moving into a new Apt and fixing the place up). Currently, life for me is almost at cruise control, I begin to workout all this past week, LL and I finally have time to go down to Chinatown for massages and even watch our 1st movie on our new TV which we got about 5 weeks ago.

The question from everyone ask these days: "How's Married life?" I always respond, "same" I suppose I should go into things in more depth than that. Actually to be honest its not that different than it was before. One of my biggest fear is that we work pretty well as a couple, It is that we know what the other is thinking and harmonize easily and that hasn't changed at all since we got married. That's not to say I don't think getting married wasn't important. It was a huge thing to do. It was our way of demonstrating to the rest of the world our commitment for each other.


At Monday, October 2, 2006 at 11:26:00 PM EDT, Blogger Leigo

hehe... very sweet post coming from a guy. btw, i have been going to chinatown for massages quite often nowadays. there is a guy in fishion called "zhao lao" - he is pretty good, not too hard, but always to the point.


At Tuesday, October 3, 2006 at 8:09:00 AM EDT, Blogger IChiban

I usually dont like guys at that place, I think the guys tend to be lazy. They use that elbow thing, and they talk too much and they try selling their skills. But I know who you are talking about he is the old dude that wears glasses.


At Tuesday, October 3, 2006 at 9:22:00 PM EDT, Blogger riceman

it's going to seem like this until you guys have kids. i feel the same way up until this way. my co-worker tells me that marriage is just an extension of dating - until you have kids, at which point you truly become partners ... enjoy :)


At Tuesday, October 3, 2006 at 10:32:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous

Rice, You sound like Nano is 16 yrs old